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Nawab Singh Somvanshi Nishkarsh IAS, Delhi While going through the Pearson’s General Studies, I found that it is useful for all Civil Services and PCS candidates. Dharmendra Kumar Dharmendra’s Sociology, Delhi All the sections of this book are excellent for UPSC aspirants. Soubhik Sen STEPS IAS, Delhi It is very useful, beneficial and relevant for IAS/PCS preliminary examinations. The sections on History, Polity, Science and General Awareness are particularly appreciable. Tripathi Vaid’s ICS, Lucknow The one-stop solution approach adopted by the book would certainly be a time saver for all civil services and PCS candidates. Manocha Vajiram and Ravi, Delhi The book scores a point with its detailed structure and ability to strengthen the basics of aspirants preparing for the General Studies Paper of the UPSC Civil Services (Preliminary) Examination.

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Mukul Pathak Vajiram and Ravi, Delhi A learner-friendly, self-instructional and stimulating compendium for easy understanding and effective application of basic concepts to mark edge over others. Srirangam Sri Ram Sriram’s IAS, Delhi Succinct, stimulating and self-instructional book with a learner friendly orientation. The marginalia boxes are illuminating and make the reading quite interesting. There are some other experiences which i will share you in my next post.The writing style of the chapters is simple and very approachable. So through this post i just want to convey the if you know the proper applications and its use at the right time they are very useful. Today three years have passed and she is still alive and in good health. the doctor form the other end guided him and completed the surgery successfully. One of my friend's Grandmother's heart surgery was going on at the hospital and the doctor has completed 60% of the operation and on its half way through operation he was confused at some point, he just on his ipad and start a video call from that.

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This very useful to the persons who are suffering from the Blood Pressure to measure their Blood Pressure on hourly basis and get control over it.ģ) The online video calling application. Unfortunately my friend was still alive and was taken to the hospital and saved his life.Ģ) There is a Cardiograph meter application which is useful to measure the Blood Pressure of the person holding his phone in his hand. Then his son has gone to that place where his GPS was sowing him and they entered room after breaking door. So, his son was calling him but he was not even picking up call, here he has made use of this application and he has seen his location it was constant till one hour. He was going to check out the hotel that day but instead he was in his room because of his low Diabetes and could not even stand up and call for help.

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Once my friend has gone for a trip and he was in his room. Today I will quote some of the examples who they are useful according to my personal experience:-ġ.) If all the family members have their smartphones within family, then one should add them to the GPS of each other mobile through which one can be seen in another mobile. Smartphones like Samsung, Iphone, HTC, Nokia and many more.

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How Smart Phones are useful to our daily life.!!!!

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