Newsreel clips showed her parents inspecting the damage of bombing attacks on London.” “And the knowledge that their king and queen are among them, they were actually caught in a raid and had to take shelter during this particular visit, has greatly heartened the people.” “The royals understood the power of imagery, and television showed what the monarchy did best. In 1940, as Princess Elizabeth, the queen gave her first radio address.” “Thousands of you in this country have had to leave your homes and be separated from your fathers and mothers.” “She was age 14, and Britain faced what Churchill called its finest hour in the war against Germany.

And it offered the British hope that something better was in the offing.” “By then, the royal family was accustomed to broadcasting its message. Her coronation in 1953 was the first royal event of its kind to be broadcast live on television. When she became queen, the country was still reeling from the memory of the Second World War. Her reign blended the ancient and the modern. And with the support of my family, rededicate myself to the service of our great country.” “Queen Elizabeth II ushered the monarchy into a new and radically different era. I am glad to have had the chance to witness and to take part in many dramatic changes in life, in this country. When I was 21, I pledged my life to the service of our people.

“It’s inevitable that I should seem a rather remote figure to many of you. Transcript The Legacy of Elizabeth II: The Media Queen Queen Elizabeth II, the longest-reigning monarch in British history, died at the age of 96, leaving behind a legacy that blended the ancient and the modern with the help of mass media.