The "surprise twist" at the end of both involves some one switching teams rather than getting eliminated.In "Finders Creepers," the teams are being pursued by a giant spider, and in this challenge the cast is constantly being attacked by animals affected by the moon.Animal(s) play a large part in both challenges.Notably, this was not the goal in "The Treasure Island of Dr. The end goal of both challenges is to cross the finish line first.Both challenges occur at night and involve the cast going through the forest.Despite this, the challenge seems to be more closely related to " Finders Creepers" for several reasons.

Chris states the episode's challenge is a reference to the treasure hunt from " The Treasure Island of Dr.With Duncan and Gwen breaking up, Lindsay and Tyler are the only couple from the original cast that have yet to be seen breaking up at any point in the series.This marks the first time since exile duty was introduced that a contestant has gone to Boney Island twice.Gwen leaves, much to the disapproval of her teammates, because she believes it will break, and a "happy" Heather wishes her good luck. Scott demonstrates how they cross rope bridges back at his farm. "Mike" then releases the bird to attack him before he can think any further. The Mike impostor tries to cover himself with his prior Total Drama experience, but Duncan doesn't buy it. Duncan also encounters "Mike." Per the moment, he has dropped his façade and is talking a bird into helping him make the others "wet their pants with fear." Duncan once again realizes the familiarity in his voice and demands to know where they have met before. Now even more delusional, she refuses to let Cameron out of her sight and weaves a pouch to keep him in so that he can't leave her, carrying him for the rest of the challenge. Sierra saves him just in time by swinging by on a vine and snatching him out of harm's way.

A seemingly innocent looking bunny appears, but as Cameron smiles at its cuteness it suddenly roars and a whole pack of them close in on him. Cameron doesn't realize it was Mike who caused him to fall and apologetically states he "lost his footing." However, "Mike" is nowhere be seen. To keep Cameron from figuring out anything further, he halts abruptly, causing the latter to trip and tumble down a slope. "Mike" notes his knowledge and labels him a threat. Mike is also affected, at this point changing to his evil persona.Ĭameron, still holding the stick, talks about how Mike getting hit with a shovel may have triggered his inability to bring out his personalities. It turns blue, releasing a ring of radiation that turns normally gentle animals violent, and vice versa. Sierra again refers to him as Cody, before pointing out the moon. While talking, he smashes into a tree, only to be saved by Sierra. However, Cameron accepts Mike's apology, and promises to help him should any problems arise with his personalities. Cameron confronts Mike about this, accidentally breaking Zoey's request to keep it between them. Zoey then whispers to Cameron that Mike purposely broke his glasses. When Mike suggests to Cameron that they follow the Vultures since they have a map, his idea is quickly praised. The Blue Harvest Moon awakens Mal from within Mike. He gives the Villainous Vultures a map for winning the last challenge, and has Chef give bacon hats and sausage tails to the Hamsters before sending them off.
Duncan remarks that it sounds easy, and Chris reveals that the full moon that night is a rare Blue Harvest Moon, which will cause all of the island's animals to behave unusually. McLean." The contestants must race to the other side of the island, with the team with all of its members at the finish line first winning. My only interest in Scott is as an ally, really! Sure, he's cute, but in a sloppy, rustic sort of way, like a shack with nice curtains… or a donkey wearing a wig.Ĭhris explains the "extremely dangerous night time challenge," which turns out to be a homage to the challenge from " The Treasure Island of Dr.